
Here’s a set of tutorials to help you get a feel of the things that you can do with all of the stuff available at the Internet Archive.

What’s the tutorial about?

Why is it useful?

Getting your Internet Archive credentials

Some operations, such as modifying metadata, need access keys.

Finding the unique identifier of an item in a collection

To fetch and update the various elements of any item, you need its identifier.

Reading the metadata of an item

Metadata is used, among other things, for fetching and viewing items. You can review this metadata to see if you can improve it.

Creating an item

To upload an item to the Internet Archive.

Seeing whether a website exists in the archives

If you got a 404 error when accessing a website, you can, maybe, still see that website if the Internet Archive stored it.

Comparing two versions of a website

To see what changed on the website between two dates.