



of the



of the United States of America

Combining Volume No. 73

The Congregational Year Book

anci Volume No. 79

The Christian Annual


This volume is designed to provide a directory and a body of statistical data relative to the Congregational Christian Churches and other Congregational Christian organiza- tions. It is compiled from information supplied to the General Council from various sources. Effort has been made to check the material contained herein, but its accuracy is not guaranteed.

Price, cloth $2.00; paper $1.50


287 Fourth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y.

Year Book, Congregational Christian Churches [|195()



A.B.C.F.M. {See American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions)

Advertisements 328-352

Afro-Christian Convention Statistics 222

Alabama Statistics (Southeast Convention) 191-193

Alabama- Mississippi Statistics (Convention of the South) 57, 64

American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 10, 231-233

American Missionary Association, Division Institutions & F'ields of Service 24

American Missionary Association Division of the Board of Home Missions 12

Andover Newton Theological School 328

Annual Statistics of Churches 31-222

Annuity Fund for Congregational Ministers 14

Arizona Statistics 4(J

Arkansas Statistics ■■ 64, 139

Associations 19-22

Atlanta Theological Seminary Foundation 335

Bangor Theological Seminary 329

Board of Home Missions 11,12

Boston Seaman's Friend Society, Inc 337

California, Northern Statistics 32-35

California, Southern & the Southwest Statistics 36-41

Central South Statistics 42, 43

Chaplains in U. S. Armed Forces 235, 236

Chicago Theological Seminary 330

Christian Education Division of the Board of Home Missions 12

Christian Summary 227

Church Extension and Evangelism Division 12

Colleges 23

Colorado Statistics 44-40

Commission on Interchurch Eelations and Christian Unity 6

Commission on Stewardship 6

Committee on Credentials 5

Committee on Denominational History 7

Committee on Resolutions 5

Comparative Table by Conferences 224, 225

Comparative Table by Years 226

Conferences, Directory of Officers 16-18

Congregational Board of Ministerial Relief 12

Congregational Board of Pastoral Supply 15

Congregational Christian Service Committee 13

Connecticut Statistics 47-56, 118

Convention of the So\ith Statistics 57-65

Corporation for the General Council 14

Council for Social Action 13

Delaware Statistics 130

Department of the Ministry 6

Directors of Religious Education 239-242

Directory of Conference Officers 16-18

District of Columlna Statistics 130

Division of Church Extension and Evangelism 12

Executive Committee, General Council 5

Executive Committee of The General Convention of the Christian Church 8

Explanation of Schedules 31

Florida Statistics 66, 67, 193

General Convention of the American Christian Church, Meetings 9

General Council, Corporation 14

General Council, Financial Statement 228

General Council, Meetings 9

General Council, Officers, Committees and Commissions 5-7

Georgia Statistics (Southeast Convention) 193-195

Georgia-South Carolina Statistics (Convention of the South) 58

German Conference, Summary 223

1950] Table of Contents and Index 3


Hartford Seniiuarj- Foundation . . .^ . . 331

Hawaii Statistics 68-71

Home Missions, Board of 11, 12

Howard University School of Religion 335

Idaho Statistics 72, 211

Illinois Statistics 73-81

Indiana Statistics 82-87, 176

International Congregational Council 6

International Congregationalism 230

Iowa Statistics 88-93

Kansas Statistics ' _ 94-96

Kentucky-Tennessee Statistics (Southeast Convention) 176, 195, 196

Kentucky Statistics (Convention of the South) 64

Lay Members Directory ^ 243-245

Laymen's Fellowship 12, 233

Licentiates 246-260

Louisiana Statistics (Central South) 42

Louisiana Statistics (Convention of the South) 63

Maine Statistics 97-104, 146

Maryland Statistics 130, 182

Massachusetts Statistics 105-122

Michigan Statistics 123-129. 220

Middle Atlantic Statistics 130-132

Ministerial Relief Division of the Board of Home Missions 12

Ministers in Full Standing 261-320

Ministers, Local with Limited Ordination 320

Minnesota Statistics 133-137

Missions Council 15

Missionaries, A.B.C.F.M 231-233

Mississippi Statistics (Convention of the South) 57

Missouri Statistics 88, 138, 139

Montana Statistics 140, 141

National Council of the Churches of Christ 7

National Council of the Congregational Churches 7

National Council, Meetings 9

Nebraska Statistics 45, 46, 95, 142-145, 190

Necrology 25—30

Nevada Statistics 35, 40

New Hampshire Statistics 146-151

New Jersey Statistics 130-132, 222

New Mexico Statistics 40

New York Statistics 152-162, 181, 222

Nominating Committee 5

North Carolina Statistics (Convention of the South) 59-62

North Carolina Statistics (Southern Convention) 198-202

North Dakota Statistics 163-166, 189

Oberlin College Graduate School of Theology 332

Officers, Committees and Commissions of the General Council 5-7

Ohio Statistics 86, 167-176

Oklahoma Statistics (Central South) 42

Oklahoma Statistics (Convention of the South) 63

Ontario, Canada, Statistics 161

Ordinations 237, 238

Oregon Statistics 177, 178

Pacific School of Religion 333

Pastoral Supply, Congregational Board of 15

Pastors not Members of Associations or Conferences 246-260

Pennsylvania Statistics 176, 179-182

Pilgrim Press Division of the Board of Home Missions 12

Plymouth Statistics (Convention of the South) 63

Promotion and Missionary Education Division of the Board of Home Missions .... 12

Puerto Rico Statistics 183

Radio Committee 12

Religious Education, Directors of 239-242

Retirement Fund for Lay Workers 14

Rhode Island Statistics 184, 185

4 Year Book, Congregational Christian Churches [1950


Schauffler College of Religious and Social Work 336

Social Action, Council for 13

South Carolina Statistics (Convention of the South) 58

South Carolina Statistics (Southeast Convention) 194

South Dakota Statistics 186-190

Southeast Convention Statistics 191-196

Southern Convention Statistics 197-202-

Summary I, Comparative Table by Conferences 224, 225

Summary II, Comparative Table by Years 226

Supplementary Summary 227

Tennessee Statistics (Convention of the South) . 64

Tennessee Statistics (Southeast Convention) 195, 196

Texas Statistics (Central South) 40, 43

Texas Statistics (Convention of the South) / 63

Theological Seminaries ^ 24, 328-335

Unit Plan, Financial Report bv States 229

Utah Statistics 203

Vermont Statistics ' 147, 204-210

Virginia Statistics (Convention of the South) 60, 62, 65

Virginia Statistics (Southern Convention) 132, 197, 198, 201, 202

Washington Statistics 211-214

West Virginia Statistics 176, 197

Wisconsin Statistics 215-220

Women State Presidents, Fellowship of 234

World Council of Churches 7

Wyoming Statistics 46, 221

Yale University Divinity School 334

Yankton College School of Theology 335



Moderator Rev. Vere V. Loper, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal.

Assistant Moderators Rev. Archie H. Hook, Seattle, Wash.; Mr. Ronald Bridges, New York, N. Y. Rev. William E. McCormack, San Francisco, Cal.; Rev. Vaughan Dabney, Newton Centre, Mass. Mrs. Walter C. Giersbach, Forest Grove, Ore.; Rev. Alfred W. Swan, Madison, Wis.

Minister and Secretary Rev. Douglas Horton, 287 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.

Associate Minister and Secretary ^ Rev. Fred S. Buschmeyer, 287 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.

Secretary Emeritus Rev. Frederick L. Fagley, 60 Gramercy Park, New York 10, N. Y.

Treasurer Mr. P. Donald Folwell, 227 N. Bowman Ave., Merion, Pa.

The Executive Committee

Chairman: Rev. Arthur D. Gray, 5712 Prairie Ave,, Cliicago 37, 111.

Ex-offlcio: The Moderator

Term Expiring 1962: Term Expiring 1964: Term Expiring 1966:

Mrs. Marion Bradshaw, Me. Rev. Arthur D. Gray, 111., Chm. Rev. Wallace W. Anderson, Me.

Mr. Ronald Bridges, Me. Mrs. Fred B. Dole, Mass. Mrs. Arthur T. Calvert, N. Y.

Mr. Gurney Edwards, R. I. Rev. L. Wendell Fifield, N. Y. Mr. Roscoe Graves, Kansas

Rev. Boynton Merrill, Ohio Rev. Stanley C. Harrell, N. C. Mr. H. Reginald Horton, Conn.

Mrs. Cleon Swarts, Ind. Rev. Ervine P. Inglis, Mo. Rev. Carl Martenson, Mich.

Rev. Raymond A. Waser, Cal. Rev. Arthur S. Wheelock, N. Y. Rev. Raymond B. Walker, Ore.

Corresponding Members Rev. Douglas Horton and Rev. Fred S. Buschmeyer. Secretaries of the General Council; Rev. Frank J. Scribner (Annuity Fund), Rev. David McKeith, Jr. and Mr. Ronald Bridges (Am. Bd.), Rev. William E. McCormack and Rev. Truman Douglass (Bd. Home Missions), Rev. Ray Gib- bons (C.S.A.), Rev. Albert D. Stauffacher (Missions Council), Mr. Walter A. Graham (Laymen's Fellow- ship), Mr. Kenneth Stokes (Pilgrim Fellowship), Mrs. William H. Medlicott (Women's Work), Rev. Charles C. Merrill, (Comm. on Interchurch Relations), Rev. James F. English (Comm. on the Ministry), Dr. William C. Jones (Comm. on Stewardship), Rev. James H. Lightbourne (E. Prov.), Rev. W. Wilder Towle (Midw. Prov.), Rev. Paul A. Davies (Pac. Prov.), Rev. William N. Tuttle (S. Prov.), Rev. L. Merle Rymph (W. Prov.).

The Nominating Committee

Term Expiring 1962 Term Expiring 1964

Rev. Nathanael M. Guptill, Me., Chm. Judge Charles Adams, Vt.

Pres. James F. Findlay, Mo. Rev. L. Maynard Catchings, D.

Mrs. Claude C. Kennedy, Minn. Mrs. Elmer Otting, Mass.

Mrs. Glenway W. Nethercut, 111. Rev. WiUiam T. Scott, N. C.

Mr. Veo F. Small, Wash. Rev. John C. Walker, Ohio

Rev. Paul W. Yinger, Cal. Mrs. William Weber, N. Y.

Chairman of the Committee on Credentials

(1952 Session) Dr. Fred S. Richards, Ore.

Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions

(For the biennium) Rev. Archie H. Hook, Wash.

Year Book, Congregational Christian Churches


Commission on Interchurch Relations and Christian Unity

Term Expiring 1962: tRev. C. C. Merrill, Mass., Chm.

Rev. Charles T. Brewster, Kans.

Rev. Robert E. Burtt, Mich.

Rev. Howard J. Conn, Minn. tRev. Noble S. Elderkin, Ohio tMr. II. D. Frame, Wis.

Mr. Sidney Law, Mas.s. tMr. J. C. Molyneux, N. Y. tRev. Russell H. Stafford, Conn. tRev. Alfred G. Walton. N. Y.

Term Expiring 1964-'

Mrs. G. L. Davey, S. D.

Mr. W. Harold Denison, Conn. tRev. Charles M. Houser, Iowa

Rev. Theodore S. Ledbetter, Conn.

Rev. James H. Lightbourne, R. I. tRev. Arthur C. McGiffert 111, tRev. Frederick M. Meek, Mass.

Mrs. H. Winnett Orr, Neb.

Rev. Stephen C. Peabody, Cal. tRev. Walter Schlaretzki, 111. tRev. Ormund Schulz, Ohio

Term Expiring 1966: Rev. W. Murray Allan, Iowa Rev. William C. Burton, Tex. Mr. Cecil W. Dell, Mont.

tRev. Thomas C. Dick, Colo.

tMr. Raymond F. Elliott, N. Y. Mrs. J. Taylor Gordon, Ore.

tRev. Wilhelm Pauck, III. Rev. Robert F. R. Peters, Ohio

Term Expiring 1952: tMr. Baylor Brooks, Cal. tMrs. Bryan N. Brown, Cal.

Rev. Ralph V. Conard, Cal.

Rev. J. Leslie Dunstan, T.H.

Mr. Percy G. Foor, Pa. tRev. Jesse F. Perrin, Cal. tProf. Hugh Vernon White, Cal.

Rev. Homer V. Yinger, Ohio

Commission on Stewardship

Term Expiring 1964: tDr. William C. Jones, Cal., Chm,. tRev. Nelson C. Dreier, N. Y, tProf. Harlan F. Hogue, Cal.

Rev. Frederick M. Meek, Mass. tRev. Clinton E. Ostrander, Wash.

Rev. Clarence E. Parr, N. M.

Rev. John F. Stearns, N. Y.

Mrs. John G. Truitt, Va.

Term Expiring 1966: Rev. Bedros Baharian, Mass. Mrs. Walter C. Candy, Wis. Mr. Clarence M. Fowler, Cal. Rev. Alan T. Jones, Ind. Mr. Lowell C. Larsen, Wyo. Rev. George O. A. McKinley, 111 Mr. Lynn Sheldon, Minn. Rev. Wallace Winchell, Mich.

Department of the Ministry

Director: Rev. Fred S. Buschmeyer Members of the Commission

Term Expiring 1952: Rev. James F. English, Conn., Chm. Prof. Francis L. Childs, N. H. Mr. Sumner A. Dole, Vt. Rev. C. Fosberg Hughes, Kans. Rev. Frederica Mitchell, N. Y. Prof. Llewelyn A. Owen, Ohio Rev. C. Franklin Parker, Ariz. Mr. Charles L. Varney, Mass.

Term, Expiring 1964: Mrs. Alfred H. Bartter, N. D. Rev. John W. Claxton, Wis. Rev. Alfred W. Hurst, D. C. Rev. George A. Pollard, Ida. Rev. Harry Trust, Me. Rev. Tertius van Dyke, Conn. Mr. Jake Vande Visse, Mich. Mr. Winthrop Wadleigh, N. H.

Term Expiring 1968: Rev. Lyman V. Cady, Tenn. Rev. David J. Davis, Fla. Rev. Clay E. Palmer, S. D. Rev. George G. Parker, N. Y. Rev. Robert W. Putsch, N. Y. Rev. Walter H. Upton, Kans. Rev. Daniel D. Williams, III. Rev. Ernest A. Yarrow, N. J.

Co-opted Rev. Gaius Glenn Atkins, N. Y. ; Rev. Daniel Bliss, Conn. ; Mr. Ronald Bridges, N. Y. ; Mr. Walter Graham, Ky.; Rev. Marvin Halverson, 111.; Prof. Hugh Hartshorne, Conn.; Rev. Carl H. Kopf, D. C; Rev. William A. Leath, N. Y.

Cooperating Staff Rev. Henry R. Rust, Rev. Horace G. Robson, Rev. Harry T. Stock, Rev. Walter C. Tong, Boston, Mass.; Rev. G. Bryant Drake, Chicago, 111.; Rev. Robert Bruce, Rev. Fred S. Buschmeyer, Rev. Andrew V. McCracken, Rev. Stanley U. North, Rev. Frank J. Scribner, Rev. Thomas A. Tripp, Rev. Philip M. Widenhouse, New York, N. Y.

Executive Committee of the International Congregational Council

Term Expiring 1966: Mr. Theodore V. Bastel, Ohio Rev. Dwight L. Cart, Wash. Rev. Richard M. Fagley, N. Y.

Mrs. Ellis Hemingway, N. J. Mrs. Elbert A. Read, Iowa Rev. Henry R. Rust, Mass. Rev. Russell H. Stafford, Conn.

t Active members of Commission.


General Council

Conference of U. S. Member Churches, World Council of Churches

Term Expiring 1954:

Principals: Alternates:

Dr. Ronald Bridges, N. Y. Mrs. Fred S. Buschmeyer, N. J.

Rev. Theodore A. Greene, Conn. Rev. Albert B. Coe, Mass.

Rev. Douglas Horton, N. Y. Rev. VVilford H. Evans, Wis.

Mrs. Robert G. Williams, Fla. Rev. J. Taylor Stanley, N. C.

Committee on Denominational History

Chairman Rev. Arthur H. Bradford, R. I.; Secretary Rev. Frederick L. Fagley, N. Y.; Mr. F. W. Allen, Mass., Rev. William E. Gilroy, Mass., Rev. Roger Hazelton, Mass., Rev. Frederick M. Meek, Mass., Rev. Charles C. Merrill, Mass., Rev. Roy M. Pearson, Mass., Rev. William W. Rockwell, N. Y., Rev. Mat- thew Spinka, Conn.

Members of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in America

Laymen, Principals: Dr. Ronald Bridges, N. Y. Mr. Athem P. Daggett, Me. Dr. Walter G. Daniel, D. C. Mr. George E. Forbes, Ohio Mr. Walter A. Graham, Ky. Mr. Charles H. Seaver, N. Y. Mr. Kenneth Stokes, Cal.

Laymen, Alternates: Mr. Harold B. Belcher, Mass. Mr. Alfred E. Buck, N. Y. Mr. George B. Hastings, Neb. Mr. George Colclough, N. C. Mr. Harold R. Semple, R. I. Mr. Frank J. Sulloway, N. H. Mr. Albert B. Tucker, 111.

Laywomen, Principals: Mrs. Henry Beckman, N. Y. Mrs. James F. English, Conn. Mrs. Walter Judd. D. C. Mii5s Helen Kenyon, Conn. Mrs. E. E. McCUntock, N. Y. Mrs. William H. Medlicott, Mass. Mrs. Henry W. Schneider, Mich.

Laywomen, Alternates: Mrs. E. E. Briggs, Iowa Miss Hilda Camp, Conn. Mrs. Thomas L. Crosby, 111. Miss Ann Gates, Ohio Mrs. N. W. McBeath, Iowa Mrs. G. V. S. Ryerson, N. Y. Mrs. John H. Sargent, N. Y.

Ministerial, Principals: Rev. Fred S. Buschmeyer, N. Y. Rev. Truman B. Douglass, N. Y. Rev. Henry David Gray, Cal. Rev. Samuel C. Kincheloe, 111. Rev. David McKeith, Jr., Mass. Rev. Liston Pope, Conn. Rev. Luther A. Weigle, Conn. Rev. Henry R. Rust, Mass.

Ministerial, Alternates: Rev. Arthur F. Elmes, D. C. Rev. Joseph H. Evans, Ohio Rev. Stanley U. North. N. Y. Rev. Albert W. Palmer, Cal. Rev. Albert D. Staufifacher, N. Y. Rev. Frederick H. Thompson, Me. Rev. Arthur E. Wilson, R. I. Rev. Hubert S. Beckwith, Conn.


Organized Oberlin, Ohio, November 17, 1871. Merged with the General Convention of the Christian Church, Seattle, Washington, June 27, 19.31. Meets biennially in conjunction with the General Council of the Congregational Christian Churches for necessary legal business. Only such offices, committees and com- missions as are necessary to its legal operations are maintained.

Moderator Rev. Verb V. Loper, Cal.

Assistant Moderators Mr. Ronald Bridges, New York, N. Y.; Rev. William E. McCormack, San Francisco, Cal.; Rev. Vauqhan' Dabney, Newton Centre, Mass.; Mrs. Walter C. Giersbach, Forest Grove, Ore.; Rev. Alfred W. Swan, Madison, Wis.

Minister and Secretary Rev. Douglas Horton, 287 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.

Associate Minister and Secretary Rev. Fred S. Buschmeyer, 287 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.

Secretary Emeritus Rev. Frederick L. Fagley, 60 Gramercy Park, New York 10, N. Y.

Treasurer Mr. P. Donald Folwell, 227 N. Bowman Ave., Merion, Pa.

Executive Committee, and other committees and commissions The Congregational members of the corre- sponding bodies of the General Council.

8 Year Book, Congregational Christian Churches [1950


OFFICERS Chairman Rev. Archie H. Hook, Seattle, Wash. V ice-Chairman Rev. James H. Lightbouhne, Providence, R. I. Secretary Rev. Warhen H. Denison, Grinnell, Iowa Treasurer Mr. J. Lewis Reck, CoWngton, Ohio

Secretary of Home Missions Rev. Harley H. Short, Hagorstown, Ind. Secretary of Foreign Missions Miss Lucy M. Eldredge, New York, N. Y. Secretary of Christian Education Rev. Seldon B. Humphrey, New Haven, Conn. Secretary of Publications Mr. Harvey E. Sims, Piqua, Ohio Secretary of Evangelism and Life Service Rev. McD. Howsare, Tucson, Ariz. Secretary of Stewardship and Finance Rev. Warrex H. Denison

At the time of the union of the National Council of Congregational Churches and of the General Convention of the Christian Church in 1931 at Seattle, Wash, into the General Council of Congregational Christian Churches, the General Convention of the Christian Church amended its constitution and took the following action, "The said Executive Committee shall have and exercise all the powers formerly inhering in the Gen- eral Convention, its General Board, its Executive Committee, and its several boards, departments, bureaus, committees and other component organizations. It shall have power to fill vacancies in its own membership."

The Board of Control of Franklinton Christian College is composed of: Rev. E. C. Gillette (deceased). Rev. J. A. Henderson, Rev. Robert Lee House, Rev. Eugene C. Lawrence, Rev. John G. Truitt, Mr. L. L. Vaughan and Rev. James H. Lightbourne.

General Council







Boston, Mass.

Hon. W. A. Buckingham

Julian M. Sturtevant


Oberlin, Ohio

Rev. William T. Budington

Leonard Bacon


New Haven, Conn.

Hon. L. S. Foster

Richard S. Storrs


Detroit, Mich.

Hon. William B. Washburn

Zachary Eddy


St. Louis, Mo.

Rev. Henry M. Dexter

Samuel E. Herrick


Concord, N. H.

Rev. Arthur Little

Frederick A. Noble


Chicago, lU.

Hon. Lorrin A. Cooke

Prof. George P. Fisher


Worcester, Mass.

Pres. Cyrus Northrop

Israel E. Dwinell


Minneapolis, Minn.

Rev. A. H. Quint

Charles M. Lamson


Syracuse, N. Y.

Hon. Nelson Dingley

F. W. Gunsaulus


Portland, Ore.

Rev. Frederick A. Noble

Albert J. Lyman


Portland, Me.

Rev. Amory H. Bradford

WiUiam J. Tucker


Des Moines, la.

Kev. Washington Gladden

Alexander McKenzie


Cleveland, Ohio

Hon. Thomas C. MacMillan

George A. Gordon


Boston, Mass.

Rev. Nehemiah Boynton

Pres. W. D. Mackenzie


Kansas City, Mo.

Rev. Charles R. Brown

Charles E. Jefferson


New Haven, Conn.

Hon. Henry M. Beardsley

Ozora S. Davis


Columbus, Ohio

Rev. William Horace Day

Charles S. Mills


Grand Rapids, Mich.

Pres. Henry C. King

Raymond Calkins


Los Angeles, Cal.

Rev. William E. Barton

G. Glenn Atkins


Springfield, Mass.

Rev. Rockwell H. Potter

S. Parkes Cadman


Washington, D. C.

Mr. Frank J. Harwood Rev. Dan F. Bradley

Carl S. Patton


Omaha, Neb.

Rev. Ozora S. Davis Hon. William E. Sweet

Albert W. Palmer


Detroit, Mich.

Dr. Fred B. Smith Mr. Franklin Warner

Henry K. Booth






Norfolk, Va.


Oliver W. Powers


Huntington, Ind.


Troy, Ohio


Springfield, Ohio


William D. Samuel


Conneaut, Ohio


BurUngton, N. C.


Urbana, lU.


Piqua, Ohio


Frank G. Coffin







Seattle, Wash.

Rev. Carl S. Patton Rev. Frank G. Coffin

Harry P. Dewey


Oberlin, Ohio

Rev. Carl S. Patton Rev. Frank G. Coffin

Ashley Day Leavitt


South Hadley, Mass.

Rev. Jay T. Stocking

Ferdinand Q. Blanchard


Beloit, Wis.

Mr. Roger W. Babson

Oscar E. Maurer


Berkeley, Cal.

Rev. Oscar E. Maurer

Mcllyar H. Lichliter


Durham, N. H.

Hon. William E. Sweet

Miles H. Krumbine


Grand Rapids, Midi.

Rev. Ferdinand Q. Blanchard

James W. Fifield, Jr.


Grinnell, Iowa

Mr. Ronald Bridges

Norman A. Holmes


OberUn, Ohio

Rev. Albert W. Palmer

Boynton Merrill


Cleveland, Ohio

Miss Helen Kenyon


Cleveland, Ohio

Miss Helen Kenyon

Frederick M. Meek

10 Year Book, Congregational Christian Churches [1950


(Tlic Foreign Missionary Arm of the Congregational Christian Churches of the United States)

Congregational House, 14 Beacon St., Boston 8, Mass.

Organized in 1810, Incorporated in 1812

President Dr. Ronald Bridges

Vice-Presidents Rev. Stuart L. Anderson, Rev. Carl Heath Kopf, Mrs. Thomas L. Crosby

Recording Secretary Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin

Assistant Recording Secretary - Rev. Edward J. Vorba

Executive Vice-President Rev. David McKeith, Jr. /

Corresponding Secretaries, Foreign Department Miss Margaret Blemker, Miss Alice E. Cart, Rev. Raymond A. Dudley, Rev. Harold S. Matthews, Dr. John A. Reuling.

Treasurer Mr. Harold B. Belcher

Associate Treasurer Mr. E. Carl Thiessen

Assistant Treasurer Mr. Earle E. Smith

Medical Secretary Mark H. Ward, M.D.

Cajididate Secretary Rev. Walter C. Tonq

Librarian and Research Secretary Miss Mary A. Walker

Historical Research Dr. Fred Field Goodsell

Executive Secretary and Minister of the Missions Council Rev. A. D. Stauffacher

Associate Executive Secretary and Minister of the Missions Council Rev. R. Norrib Wilson

Associate Executive Secretary of Promotion Mrs. William H. Medlicott

Education Secretary Miss Ruth I. Seaburt

Secretary for the American Board in the Missions Council Rev. Quentin Leisher

Research Secretary Rev. Armstrong Hunter

Secretary of Project Department Rev. Ralph R. Shrader

News Editor Miss Dorothy P. Gushing

Publishing and Purchasing Agent Mr. Harvey L. Meeken '

Prudential Committee: Chairman Rev. P'rederick H. Thompson; Clerk Mark H. Ward, M.D.; Assista7it Clerk Rev. Walter C. Tong; Mr. Frederic E. Abbe, Mr. James S. Allen, Mr. Harold L. Blakeslee, Rev. Daniel Bliss, Mr. Philip L. Garret, Rev. Russell J. Glinchy. Rev. Franklin P. Cole, Mrs. William E. Cox, Mrs. James F. English, Miss Elsie Farris, Mrs. Franklin G. Field, Mr. Alden C. Hebard, Rev. William A. Keith, Rev. Joseph F. King, Mr. William A. Kugler, Dr. Theodore K. Lawless, Rev. John H. Leamon, Rev. Frederick M. Meek, Mrs. H. Winnett Orr, Mr. Ward Phelps, Rev. Henry E. Robinson, Miss Edith Scamman, Mr. Walter P. Schmitter, Mrs. John G. Schroeder, Miss Mary E. Stearns, Mr. Edmund D. Steele, Rev. Joseph H. Stein, Mrs. James P. Stimson, Rev. E. Paul Sylvester, Mr. Sherman R. Thayer, Rev. Frederick H. Thompson, Rev. Roger E. Treat, Mrs. Harlan E. Walley, Mr. Sargent H. Wellman.

1950] National Societies 11


General Offices, 287 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.

President Rev. William E. McCormack

Vice-Presidents Mrs. Judson E. Fiebiger, Mr. Nathaniel A. Talmage, Rev. Joseph H. Evans

Executive Vice President Rev. Truman B. Douglass

Treasurer Mr. William F. Frazier

Assistant Treasurers Mr. Alfred Boser, Jr., Mr. A. M. Bushfield, Miss G. B. Richards, Mr. W. F. Williams, Mr. William J. Nelson

Secretary Mr. William Kincaid Newman

Recording Secretary Mrs. A. H. Sharp

Board of Directors

Ex Officiis The President and Vice-Presidents Chairman Rev. William E. McCormack * Vice-Chairman Mrs. Judson E. Fiebiger *

Class of 1962: Mrs. W. G. Bek, N. D. Rev. Wm. Earl Brelini, 111. Mrs. A. P. Brooks, Minn. *Rev. Eugene M. Bushong, Mass. *Rev. Adelbert J. Buttrey, N. J. *Rev. Howard Conn, Minn. Rev. Frank Crook, R. I. Mr. George N. Emory, Conn. *Mr. George E. Forbes, Ohio Mr. George Hastings, Neb. Mrs. Scott Haymond, Cal. *Mr. John H. Ives, Conn. Mrs. N. W. McBeath, Iowa *Mr. Robert H. Milloy, N. Y. *Mr. E. Donald Preston, Md. *Mr. Loren H. Rockwell, N. J. *Mrs. Rees T. Williams, N. Y. ♦Mrs. W. E. Wisseman, N. C.

Vice-Chairman Mr. Nathaniel A. Talmage * Vice-Chairman Rev. Joseph H. Evans * Clerk Mrs. \. H. Sharp

Class of 1954:

*Rev. Howard Stone Anderson, N. Y.

Mr. Egbert E. Briggs, Iowa

Mrs. Lyman T. Grossman, Cal.

Rev. Maurice L. Haehlen, Wis.

*Mrs. Hal C. Hardin, Mo.

Mr. Alfred H. Hauser, N. Y.

*Mrs. Robert C. Johnson, Ala.

*Rev. Samuel C. Kincheloe, 111.

*Mr. D. Richard Mead, Fla.

*Rev. Roy L. Minich, Mass.

Mrs. Clarence L. Murdey, Wash.

Prof. Egbert S. Oliver, Ore.

Mr. F. Rogers Parkin, N. Y.

*Mrs. Henry W. Schneider, Mich.

Rev. Herbert R. Smith, Vt.

Rev. Mark B. Strickland, N. H.

Mrs. H. J. Stroh, Colo.

Rev. R. Clyde Yarbrough, Mass.

* Membera of the Executive Committee.

12 Year Book, Congregational Christian Churches [1950

American Missionary Association Division

General Secretary Rev. Philip M. Widenhouse Director of Race Relations Mb. Herman H. Long Director of Community Services Miss Ruth A. Morton Director of Puerto Rican Work Rev. Howard E. Spragg

Christian Education Division

14 Beacon St., Boston 8, Mass. General Secretary Rev. Harry T. Stock Secretaries Rev. Leila W. Anderson Rev. Henry R. Rust

Miss Dorothy E. Claypool Rev. Erwin L. Shaver

Rev. Bryant Drake (Chicago) Miss Grace E. Storms

Miss Merle L. Easton Miss Mildred C. Widber

Rev. J. Elliott Finiay Miss Ruth E. Curry

Rev. Paul R. Reynolds (Chicago) Miss Frances Eastman

Division of Church Extension and Evangelism

General Secretary Rev. Stanley U. North departments City Work: Director Rev. Ira Donald Black Church Building: Secretary Mr. William Kincaid Newman

Church Financial Adviser Mr. Curtis R. Schumacher Field Research : Director Rev. Ross W. Sanderson Evangelism: Director Rev. Wofford C. Timmons

Associate Rev. Elmer S. Freeman Town and Country Work: Director Rev. Thomas Alfred Tripp

Associate Director- Rev. Wesley A. Hotchkjss

Ministerial Relief Division

General Secretary Rev. Frank J. Scribner Associate Rev. Percy C. Ladd

Pilgrim Press Division

14 Beacon St., Boston 8, Mass. 19 South La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. General Manager Mb. Charles A. Butts (14 Beacon St., Boston S) Editor, Advance Rev. Andrew Vance McCracken (287 Fourth Ave., New York 10) Manager, Boston Book Store Miss Dora Brown Manager, Chicago Book Store Mrs. Marjorie Kniffin

Promotion and Missionary Education

Rev. Albert D. Stauffacher, Minister of the Missio7}s Cou7icil

Rev. R. Norris Wilson, Associate Minister and Executive Secretary of the Missions Ccuncil

Mrs. William H. Medlicott, Associate Executive Secretary of the Missions Council

Miss Helen Frances Smith (Information)

Miss Ione Catton {Resource)

Rev. Ralph R. Shrader {Project)

Rev. W. Armstrong Hunter (Research)

Rev. Nelson C. Dreier {Special Promotion)

The Laymen's Fellowship

National Director Mr. Walter A. Graham, Pembroke 1, Kentucky

Radio Committee

220 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Director Rev. Everett C. Parker

1950] National Societies 13


289 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.

1164 E. 58th St., Chicago 37, lU.

1751 N Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C.

Chairman Rev. Liston Pope Director Rev. Rat Gibbons

Vice-Chairman Rev. Richard M. Fagley Recording Secretary Rev. Charles T. Brewster

Treasurer Rev. Albert J. Penner

Rev. Charles T. Brewster, Mr. Russell Dixon, Mr. Edward N. Doan, Rev. Frank D. Doret, Mr. Harrt E. Drobish, Rev. Richard M. Fagley, JMr. Harold X. Felton, Mrs. W. G. Hay, Rev. Fred Hoskins, Mrs. Charles S. Johnson, Mr. Harry C. Markle, Rev. W. Robert Mayhew, Rev. Liston Pope, Mrs. B. A. Redington, Mr. Lloyd P. Rice, Mrs. Ross Sny'der, Mr. Herbert G. Winter, Mrs. Theron X. Zimmerman.

Co-opted: Rev. Fred S. Buschmeyer, Rev. Truman B. Dougl.^s, Rev. Bryant Drake, Mr. Ralph H. Earle, Jr., Mr. Walter Graham, Rev. Emerson G. Hangen, Rev. Douglas Horton, Rev. Vere V. Loper, Rev. DA\aD McKeith, Jr., Rev. J.^mes A. G. Moore, Rev. Albert D. STAurFACHER, Rev. Thomas A. Tripp, Rev. Philip M. Widenhouse.


Director Rev. R.\y Gibbons International Relations Rev. Herman F. Reissig

Agricultural Relations Rev. Shirley E. Greene Legislative Rev. Thom.\s B. Keehn Industrial Relations Rev. Francis W. McPeek Race Relatirns Rev. Galen R. Weaver Social Action Rev. Kenneth Underwood, Editor

Miss Jennie Evans, Managing Editor


no E. 29th St., New York 16, X. Y.

Chairman Rev. Joseph H. Stein Treasurer Mr. Harold B. Belcher

Vice-Chairman Rev. Raymond A. Dudley Executive Secretary Rev. Eable H. Ballou

Secretary ^ Rev. Philip M. Widenhouse Associate Executive Secretary Rev. Joseph X. Howell

Assistant Treasurer iliss Lucy V. Seidler

Displaced Persons Program Secretary Rev. William F. H.*.stings

The Service Committee has the following members, elected by the Corporation, which is composed of members of the Prudential Committee of the .\merican Board.

Class of 1952 Mrs. James F. EngUsh, Rev. Elden H. Mills, Mr. Harold K. Norton, Rev. .\lbert J. Penner, Mrs. John C. Schroeder, Rev. Philip M. Widenhouse.

Class of 1953 Rev. Daniel Bhss, Rev. Raymond A. Dudley, Mrs. Lincoln D. Kelsey, Mr. Clj'de McDufBe, Dr. Elmer L. Sevringhaus, Rev. Joseph H. Stein.

Co-opted Members Mrs. Frieda J. Demarest, Rev. Thomas B. Keelm, Mr. Harold S. Miner, Rev. Henrj' R. Rust, Miss Helen Frances Smith, Rev. Donald Strickler, Rev. Arthur S. Wheelock.

Ex-OJficio Directors Mr. Harold B. Belcher, Rev. Earle H. Ballou, Rev. Truman B. Douglass, Rev. Ray Gibbons, Rev. Douglas Horton, Rev. David McKeith, Jr., Rev. Albert D. Stauffacher.

14 Year Book, Congregational Christian Churches [1950


Incorporated under the laws of New Jersey, 1914 287 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.


President Mr. Leslie R. Rounds

Vice-President Mr. .Joh.n' T. Beach Treasurer Rev. Willi.\m F. Frazier

General Secretary Rev. Frank J. Scribner Actuary Mr. George A. Huggins

Assistant Secretary Mrs. Alma K. Quimby

Assistant Treasurers Mr. Alfred Boser, Jr., Miss Gertrude B. Richards, Mr. W. F. Williams

TRUSTEES Rev. Robbins W. Barstow, Mr. John T. Beach, Mr. Harold B. Belcher, Mr. Ashby E. Bladen, Mr. Charles M. Bliss, Mr. George N. Emory, Mr. Alfred C. Howell, Mr. J. Watson MacDowell, Mb. Ray D. Murphy, Rev. William W. Patton, Mb. Leslie R. Rounds, Mr. William D. Winter.


Incorporated under the laws of New Jersey, 19.30

287 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.

The ofiicers and trustees of the Retirement Fund for Lay Workers are the same as the officers and trustees of The Annuity Fund for Congregational Ministers.




287 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.

President Mr. William D. Winter

Vice-President Mr. J. Watson MacDowell

Secretary Rev. Frank J. Scribner

Assistant Secretary Rev. Douglas Horton

Treasurer Mr. William F. Frazier

Assistant Treasurers Mr. Alfred Boser, Jr., Mr. Wm. J. Nelson, Miss Gertrude B. Richards, Mr. W. F. Williams

Term Expiring 1952: Term Expiring 19o4-' Term Expiring 1956:

Mr. John T. Beach, N. J. Mr. P. Donald Folwell, Pa. Mr. Frank Barrows, N. J.

Mr. Charles M. Bliss. Conn. Mr. Walter H. Gilpatric, N. Y. Mr. Walter Dingley, N. Y.

Mr. Alfred C. Howell, Conn. Mr. John H. Hosch, Jr., Conn. *Mr. James M. Hills, N. Y.

Mr. LesUe R. Rounds, N. Y. Mr. William Osgood Morgan, N. J. Mr. J. Watson MacDowell, N. Y.

Mr. Frank C. Van Cleef, Ohio Mr. John J. Schumann, Jr., N. J. Mr. William D. Winter, N. J.

* deceased.

1950] National Societies 15


287 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y. 14 Beacon St., Boston 8, Mass.

19 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111.

Chairman Mrs. Judson E. Fiebiqer, Grinnell, Iowa

Viee-C hair man Rev. Daniel Bliss, Greenwich, Conn.

Treasurer Mr. Harold B. Belcher, Boston, Mass.

Recording Secretary Mrs. Ross Snyder, Chicago, 111.

Minister and Executive Secretary Rev. Albert D. Stauffacher, New Y^ork, N. Y.

Associate Minister and Executive Secretary Rev. R. Norris Wilson, New York, N. Y.

Associate Executive Secretary Mrs. William H. Medlicott, New York, N. Y.

Associate Executive Secretary Rev. Frank L. Edwards, Chicago, lU.

Office Secretary and Assistant Treasurer IMies Lucy V. Seidler, New York, N. Y.

Business Agent Mr. Harvey L. Meeken, Boston, Mass.

Secretaries Miss Elizabeth McGuffie, Chicago, 111.; Miss Dorothy P. Gushing, Rev. William Armstrong Hunter, Rev. Quentin Lbisher, Miss Ruth I. Seabtjry, Rev. Ralph R. Shrader, Boston, Mass.; Miss Ione Catton, Rev. Nelson C. Dreier, Rev. .\lexander B. Ferguson, Mrs. E. E. McClintock, Miss Helen Frances Smith, William K. Wilson, New York, N. Y.


The Missions Council consists of the thirty-six members together with the President and the Vice- Presidents of The Board of Home Missions, the thirty-six members with the President and Vice-Presidents of the American Board and the eighteen members of the Council for Social Action, and the Secretarj- of the General Council, ex officio.


14 Beacon St., Boston 8, Mass.

Established 1894

Secretary Rex. Horace G. Robson Secretary Emeritus Rev. Charles C. Merrill

Chairman Rev. Ralph H. Long

To assist Congregational Christian Churches in finding suitable pastors.

Maintained since 1916 by the New England Congregational State Conferences.

Co-operates with The Midwest Pastoral Relations Committee, 1104 Garfield St., Madison .5, Wis., and The Department of the Ministrj' of the General Council.


Year Book, Congregniioiinl Chrifitinn Churches



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